Agus and Sara's profiles are based on real people.
We have built a system which effectively selects, builds and enables those people to be present in your business and able to contribute productively and add persistent value.
We focus on 3 areas which really matter to you:
”Are they ready?”
“Are they the right person?”
“Can I rely on them?”
Based on your industry we'll let you know what options are available for you in our next cohort of workers, register now and we'll send it by email.
Aged care
Child care
The Australian Skills Priority List in 2023 showed that over a third of occupations were in a shortage nationally, that is 332 out of 916 occupations or 36%!Occupations in shortage cover a diverse range of sectors from health to education to food services.
The largest occupations in shortage include Aged or Disabled Carer, Waiter, Retail Manager, Food Trades and various technicians. Shortages in these areas are seen as critical and have wide impacts beyond your business with downstream effects and a negative impact on the economy overall.
The problem is not going away soon.
In particular Aged/Disabled Carer, Personal Care Assistant and Child Care Worker roles have been in shortage in all Skills Priority Lists from 2021 to 2023 with Child Care Workers being in demand for over 15 years already!
As Australia’s population ages and as many care related tasks are difficult to automate the demand for health and care workers is projected to increase in the future.
What businesses are impacted and why?
According to the ABS a wide range of businesses are impacted:
66% of large businesses, 62% of medium sized businesses have difficulties finding suitable staff.
46% of small businesses are impacted to a "great extent".
Reasons businesses cite for difficulties filling roles include lack of applicants, experience, qualifications, registration and suitability, among others.
The great news is
SynergyWay is able to address these factors!
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